Wednesday 18 January 2012

Editing! (CCTV Shot)

The past couple of weeks,I have been continuing with editing my music video. In my initial plans, I had visions of creating a really creepy CCTV style shot sequence much like In Nicole Shertzinger's Music video to her single 'Wet'. After much playing around with the sequence which I shot of Alice, I began to style it much like a CCTV image would look. Although in Nicole's video she uses a green colour over the footage, I found after much research that most CCTV images are filmed in black and white hence the decision of colour grading my own sequence. I also noticed the heavy useage of Timescales and different timecodes running in the corners of most CCTV shots. Although this was proving very dificault in my own video, I managed to add a Timecode to represent this. Another key feature of the CCTV style shot is the use of high angles looking down on the characters, which I have also used.
Nicole's CCTV Shot
My own CCTV styled shot
I have also kept on top of other editing such as piecing together the lip syncing which especially takes a lot of time. I also have began to change the contrast and saturation as well as cropping many of the clips to make them stand out more.

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