Saturday 22 October 2011

Fifth shoot preparation

Friday 21st October
9.00am-9.40am (After School session) (40 Minutes)

This shoot is aimed at filming George. The shots don't have to be very long, I just need several pans of George as the male character to which she is referring to.

For this shoot, my location is going to be in our school Photography studio like the first shoot of Alice. This has no specific meaning, it just has good lighting and a good plain backdrop.

The lighting has all been set up again in a slightly different way, however still giving the desired effect of no shadows! The three point lighting is a technique that i have used again.
People Needed:
For this shoot, I need George, and obviously myself to film George miming/acting.

Physical Resources Needed:
•Video Camera- For actually filming the scene in which Alice is going to act out for me.
 •Digital Camera (Photographs)- This is for mainly evidence, but I am also going to photograph for my magazine article and Digipak.
 •Iphone- This is to Play the music for Alice to mime to primarily, but the device is also very useful as it is easy to jump to parts of the song.
Costume Needed:
 I'm not too bothered about what George is wearing as it won't matter to much as his feature is only going to be short.
After this shoot, I would like to have completely finished filming! Obviously I will have to review all of the footage to see if it is all high enough quality, but providing it is, I should be okay to start Editing!

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